Today was a million, trillion times better than yesterday! I think waking up late just set the whole tone for my no-good, rotten day yesterday.
Today, however, was fantastic!
First off, I woke up at a normal, decent time and weighed myself. (The TAM wants you to weigh yourself every day. I think this is crazy, but whatever. I'll do it). And guess what? I already lost a pound! How is that possible!? To lose a whole pound in one day? I don't care - I'll take it!
That was enough motivation to keep me going. I ate my applesauce concoction for breakfast, along with my blessed cup of coffee. Things weren't rushed this morning and that made a huge difference. I realized I enjoy my applesauce a bit warmed up. Yesterday, I had to eat it straight out of the fridge and it was YUCKY.
After breakfast, I played with the little one until it was time for her nap. As soon as she fell asleep, I popped in the DVDs. Oh, and before doing so, I guzzled a very large cup of water. I did NOT want to get another dehydration headache.
The workout was SO MUCH BETTER this time. I did the cardio in my kitchen because there's a lot more room to move around and that helped. I went strong for about 10 minutes and then had to stop and take little breaks for the remaining 20 minutes. But, I did it. No headache this time and it felt good. My body felt a lot lighter and "springier." Thank goodness! I checked on the kiddo after the cardio (she was awake!!! agggh!!) and then went right into the Strength Training DVD. I let the little one stay in her crib. She was happy and cooing and playing, so whatever ;)
I did the other DVD and although it was hard, it was nothing like yesterday. In fact, yesterday was so bad that I don't even remember some of the exercises that I did today. That shows you where my head was yesterday: Not in the game! I am a little sore from yesterday, so some of the movements today were a bit tough. I definitely can't hang with Tracy yet, but I am doing them at my own pace and that's what she advises to do, anyway. As long as I get them done, right?
After the workout, I was a little shaky, so I grabbed more water and some cheese and carrots. I've deiced I just can't eat some of the purees, so I'm replacing them with nutrient-dense, healthy substitutes.
I did eat the veggie soup last night and although I would never crave it, it was edible and not *too* bad. I also ate the chocolate pudding and if you can believe this - didn't finish it! It was almost too sweet. Gasp. I know.
So, day two is done and I'm feeling MUCH better today than yesterday. Only 88 more days to go...
SO glad today was better!!!!